How Stage 2(b) Interactive National Heritage will be seen in practice


The following summarises a typical sequence for experience of the installation.



The audience will arrive at a darkened doorway where a notice will demand a payment to enter the space. The payment will be a video portrait which is scanned into the first computer.



The audience enters space through the gate and sees two or three images projected onto the wall: the audience's skin analysis, the specific images selected from Stage 1 (as shown on the previous page) and some of the pool information collected from the World Wide Web site of Stage 2(a).



The audience moves around the installation space together, triggering events of abuse aimed at the images. The abusive action in turn stimulates the projected images to answer back to the audience. The computer is programmed to differentiate between individual members of the audience with the result that users can play together to create their own ways of interacting with the programme.



A infrared video camera monitors heat generated by the users and uses this to detect where a member of the audience is at any given moment. Mongrel has been researching a user-tracking system that will continually relay information on a user's location. This information will be processed and the images will respond appropriately.

See Plan (3) User Interface.



The user leaves the space.



The skin data collected during the exhibition goes forward to Stage 3.